I love gushing about my kiddos!
My oldest is so tall, skinny with thick wavy hair and big blue eyes! If it weren't for her fabulous maturity her non rebellious nature and big heart i would totally worry about her dating one day.
My youngest is a little spitfire, sneaky and rebellious. She looks just like her sister so far (but shes 2) i am actually very afraid of her dating later on in life. But shes flat out HILARIOUS. She has a very keen way of knowing what makes each individual person laugh, she picks up on it and will use it to wrap you around her little finger. A gift ive always really wanted but never had.
I wonder what kind of human im pregnant with now!...its funny you can raise em the same way, with the same parents, rules and circumstances and they come out so wildly different. Its proof of God i say.