I too have a bright and creative little girl and school has always been a diff. time for her/us...the pressure to learn for 6-8 hrs w/ not enough breaks as well as trying to be social when feeling unsure of oneself is a lot for an adult, let alone a little kid.....we decided to homeschool which goes well for her....I too, wish others could see her the way I do...I think all moms wish that in one way or another, at one time or another...
I go thru times feeling bad or like I am not doing enough, what impact are my actions having on her.......It breaks my heart too when she is lonely or crying...I a mommy really knows what the word heartbreaking means in relation to our children....kit goes deep.
Parents in her school were given 3 x 5 sixed magnets w/ 100 affirmations for us to give our kids. I keep mine on our refridgerator where I can see it and be reminded to keep up w/ the praises.... those praises can mean the world to anyone, esp a child....maybe that would be an assist you could use, write on a card any affirmations you can give to your children, your sig other, and to yourself.
In time people will see her for more of who she is as she gets older and keeps at it....it takes time.I have noticed w/ myself and my daughter....when I am concerned about the same things, she picks it up....kids need to know that YOU see their potential, the great person they are, their giftings, thata a big part. I am well-aware of how mega important it is to be accepted and even liked among peers, esp for a little kid. But knowing and believeing that mommy and/or daddy see them this way makes the biggest mark and impression.....a big step top helping them feel that way about themselves.
Confidence, I think, is really impacted when parents believe in and praise them as much as possible.....I do my best to not let her know I am concerned about her belonginging etc (although I am!)....her councellor wll give you lots of little hints and helps, and talking to other people w/ the same/like issues is golden...
Remember to take care of yourself as well, a good role model is helpful....many times, a kid wants to be like their parents at time, and they need to see your self- confidence......I guess it's like monkey-see-monkey-do, ya know?
Seek out where it is you get your confidence.....pray,not to air, but to the God who loves you....the best parental example is the example of God the Father w/ us as His children.....remember, He knew your child while they were in your womb (pslm 139)and every hair on their and your heads....He sees you as you are and what your potential is and where you will go w/ it. He wants us to see it also. The same goes for your children. Seek Him for the strength and patience nad wisdom that you need.
God bless!