well, i haope you can check this, and its not an answer. its basically the same quesion i have been trying to research on. I am breastfeeing my 4 month old son, i have had streaking just once a day for like 3 days. dont know whats up?
I am a first time mom to a gorgeous 15 month old boy!. I am still breastfeeding on demand (usually about 4 times a day and about 2 times at night) I really do enjoy nursing him. We also co-sleep and at times my baby wakes up about twice to nibble for about 5 minutes and then goes back to sleep. My husband and I decided to not use any birth control since our baby was born, so we never prevented another pregnancy to happen!. This morning when I woke up, I noticed that I am spotting brown and when I wipe, I see a tint of blood. I tried to research online and I saw alot of posts where this means that I might be pregnant again! but couldnt this also mean that I might be starting my periods again? It took me 3 years to get pregnant with our baby boy, due to my prolactin levels being too high for never being pregnant or breastfeeding. Now that I AM breastfeeding, I imagined that my prolactin levels are WAY higher to be able to produce milk. I guess I just thought that it would be harder for me to get pregnant since I am breastfeeding so much still. I guess it can still happen. I did take a pregnancy test a few days ago, and the result was negative. I have also experienced soreness in between my legs and my boobs have also been sore. Has this happened to anyone?
Thank you everyone for responding! I believe it is just my period starting up again! For a moment I thought it could be a pregnancy and now that I think about having another baby, I am excited but nervous at the same time! Thank you all again :)
well, i haope you can check this, and its not an answer. its basically the same quesion i have been trying to research on. I am breastfeeing my 4 month old son, i have had streaking just once a day for like 3 days. dont know whats up?
Hey I am currently breastfeeding my 10.5 month son basically exclusively like 10 times a day he also eats food but mostly nurses and I just the last week have notice that sometimes when I go to the bathroom I whip pink. I just went and there was a little blood in the toilet. I feel like this could be me starting to get my period but I also feel like maybe I could be pregnant. I have not taken a pregnancy test yet
Every woman is different. When I nursed my daughter I didn't start my period until she was 16 months. However, I know many moms who exclusively breast fed and they started much earlier.. around 6 months.
Just because you breastfeed doesn't necessarily mean you aren't ovulating. I would wait and see if you start a period. Otherwise, wait a couple of weeks and take a test. The sore breasts can be an indication of a pending period or pregnancy.
My first period after giving birth was a bit odd... not as long, not as heavy... but definitely a period.
If it is too early, then a pregnancy test won't give accurate results. Your hormone level needs to be high enough. Actually, when I was pregnant with my daughter my first test was negative. I had to wait 2 weeks past when I should have gotten my period to get a positive test. This happens to a lot of women. The newer tests are supposed to be more sensitive..but it is all about how high your hormone levels are.
Good luck!
It is probably your period starting again. Give it another day or two, if red blood starts coming then thats probably the case.
Of course the best plan of action if you're not sure what's going on is to see a doctor, but yes, around 15 months is when I began to ovulate and have my periods even when I was breastfeeding. It quite possibly could be them trying to return. I continued breast feeding for another year and had normal periods throughout that time. Good luck, but remember when in doubt, get it checked out.
First of all Way to go Momma!! It is great that you have nursed your little guy so long, its a wonderful bond, and such a great start for him!!
Second, I have 3 boys all which I've nursed until 19-21 months, and with each one my "monthly friend" appeared at different times, in different ways. With my first I had something similar to you, and it only lasted a day or two, then a month later I had a full blown period. With my second I got a period around 11 months and then didn't get another for several more months. With my youngest I started again once he stopped nursing during the day, at about 17 months.
Alot of times it depends on how long it is between nursing ( and I'm not sure if the little nibbles at night count:) I think as a general rule if you are going more than 6 hours without nursing your period will come back.
Other than that if you are suspecting pregnancy wait a couple of weeks and get another test. Good luck!!
You are nursing less so you are more likely to get pregnant, and it isn't impossible. I have a niece & nephew that are 15 months apart. My sister in law was breast feeding. If you don't want another baby, see a doctor. The soreness ect can be emotionally based, the panic that comes when you think you are pregnant & take another test. But don't have unprotected sex, your body is going back to normal, because he is feeding less, maybe eating more, but the less they feed the lower your prolactin levels become.
First of all, I think it's great that you've been breast feeding your baby! That's terrific! I'd see how it looks in a couple of days. If you're starting your period, which is what I'd guess, you should know soon. It could be a short and light period, but they'll get back to normal if that's the case. If you're not wanting to get pregnant anytime soon, you should be using birth control. You'll ovulate before your period and could get pregnant before you even know you're having periods again. It could be that you are now, but I doubt it. Sounds like your periods are starting again. I have to say, I'm so jealous of you an so many nursing moms. With my first daughter, I started having periods again when she was 6 weeks old and my second daughter was 8 weeks old. Both of them were only nursed and our first never even had breast milk in a bottle! She refused to drink from a bottle and never ever did. Good luck to you!
I am envious of all the women who never get thier periods while breast feeding. Mine has come back in the first 2 mo ths both times, and I exclusivly breastfeed. So, yeah it could be your period. The soreness can be a side effect of that too. Please don't mind my grumbles, I hope this helps!
If you have not still had a period since your child was born then it could be your period starting. I nursed regularly for a year to 18 months and I did have a period regularly. Before I get my period my breasts are tender and I spot the first 2 days. When is your next pap scheduled? I would discuss this with your doctor.
Well it can happen, that is getting pregnant while bfing. My periods returned when my daughter was 6 months old, and by no means had nursing slowed at that point.
Brown blood is old blood.
I have been trying to concieve for quite a while now and have a large group of girls I chat w/ about the subject. I don't know of anyone who has had brown blood and was pregnant.
I am pregnant now and miscarried in Dec., w/ both pregnancies I have had implantation bleeding. It is very light pink, like a stain.
Of course everyone is different, but it sounds like your periods are starting back up again to me.
Keep in mind though that just because you are nursing and have not seen a period yet you could still be ovulating. So don't rely on bfing as a means of birth control if you are not yet ready for another baby.
I hope that helps!
Take care.
Take a test, you'll know if you are pregnant or not.
Do you cycle chart? Get the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility". There's even an appendix for breastfeeding moms!
The same thing happened to my firend and she now has a 3 yr old boy and a 2 yr old girl. It is a common misconception that women can't get pregnant while breastfeeding. Granted it may make it harder but you are still ovulating either way you look at it. Just because a period isnt present doesnt mean that the whole process still doesn't take place. I think that if you are worried you could be pregnant that you should see your doctor to confirm/deny your suspicions.
I know that when I found out I was pregnant with my son I had already taken 10 home pregnancy tests and two urine tests at the doctor's and they were all negative. I had to have blood drawn before I had confirmation.
Well, I gues my only advice would be to just wait and see. You may have taken the test too early and that's why you got a neg. result. Meaning this could be implantation bleeding. Or your starting your period. Now that I think about it, I don't think that would be it. Implantation bleeding usually doesn't happen 'til like a week after conception. Surely you'd get a pos. result by then (I don't know though). What I do know is that when you're nursing pretty much anything goes. You might be outta whack (with your periods) for awhile, you might not be. You are so lucky to go that long without it. Mine came back when my babies were 7 mo., 9mo., and this latest one was only 3 1/2 mo. (exclusive bfing)! Def. let us know the results!
Last January I spotted, then spotted 2 weeks later, thought I skipped my period for February, but was pregnant. Could be your period starting back, or could be pregnancy, either wait for nausea, or take a test. My daughter was 18mo at the time and still nursing quite a bit too. If you are enjoying the nursing, know that you can nurse through your pregnancy, it is safe, but may become uncomfortable. There is a great book about tandem nursing and nursing during your pregnancy by Hillary Flower. I recommend reading if you are going to nurse through your pregnancy, it helps you to understand some of the feelings you may have towards nursing your toddler. We still nurse a couple times a day and I am 34 weeks. Best of luck.