My husband and I live in a small town that we love with our 5 beautiful children. Our two oldest kids go to a wonderful church school and as a family we are very invo...
I stay at home with my 2 toddlers and we have a 14 year old daughter. My husband works 6 twelve hour night shifts per week. Mind you most days he watches movies, re...
I want to seriously tighten my belt this month. What's your most frugal food advice? By the way - I am not asking for budgeting advice.
I'll give you the 3 chea...
I colored my hair last night. When the dye was still on my head I was like “eekk look the dye turned a red color what ya think that means?” He said I don’t know...
We have ghosties in our house, to be blunt. I don't care about what skeptics have to say, everyone who's been to my house has seen or experienced something. I've post...
Last night while at Best Buy I noticed an older man watching my 11 year old daughter. It kinda gave me a creepy feeling, but then after a few minutes he approached me...
We have been in our home for 3 yrs. now and although I enjoy our home and find it quite charming and unique, I do feel like we are missing out since we are not locate...
I am a single mom with 3 kids (8, 9 and 17). Four years ago I moved my family from a relatively large city to a very small town because the oldest was starting to fa...
I'm nesting and need the space! LOL
I have over 10 HUGE bags of incredible girl clothes in perfect condition (no stains, washed on gentle with free and clear), man...
I have known for a LONG time that Alex was probably speech delayed. I have also had some niggling concerns in the back of my head regarding some behavior issues espec...