I have the In Style breast pump from Medela. I'm having a hard time cleaning the tubing. They get full of condensation and then start to mold. I run the pump after...
I just started back at work and have a question for other moms that pump at work. My daughter is three months old and breastfed only. I want to make sure to keep...
I need help on what kind of breast pump I should get? Also I would like to know suggestions on what else I would need to buy if i will be breast feeding?
I am wanting to pump rather than nurse because my daughter is getting to where she isn't all that interested in it, and I want her to have my milk still yet. I have a...
I am researching breast pumps and recently heard about Medela's new hands-free Freestyle pump. The reviews I have found have been very positive, but there are few ou...
I have to go away for a few days and will not be able to use my elecric pump throughout the day. Does anyone know of a good battery operated pump or manual pump that...
I went back to work this week. I was given a Pump in Style by a friend. I was doing good at home--sometimes getting 4 oz out of one side at a time! Now I'm here an...
I am preparing to sell most of my baby gear since my youngest is about to turn one and my husband and I are convinced he will be our last baby. Anyhow, I am wo...
I am asking this question for my sister-in-law. She is having trouble with the coordination of pumping. She only does one side at a time because she can't figure ou...