My toddler is 3 1/2. Will be 4 in April. He refuses to potty train. He tells us he is still a baby and baby's pee pee in their diapers. The funny thing is he goes to ...
my neighbors have a 5-6 year old, and a 1-2 year old, and my son is 3. they recently put up an inflatable pool in their back yard which meets ours, and my son is alw...
This may seem a strange question...but is a play kitchen too girly for a little boy? My son loves to help me in the kitchen, so I thought that getting him his own tod...
I was wondering when does baby's rate of growth typically start to slow down a bit? I can't seem to keep up with my baby girl! at four months she was 26 1/2" ...
As some of you know from another question, my husband is gone from home 60+ a week. I stay home with our little ones and am trying to find ways to take time for me wh...
I am starting to be concerned that my daughter is an angry little person. She is lashing out on the entire family including our dog. When things are not going her way...
Okay guys. Help me out here.... I am 9 months pregnant. I'm due on the 21st, although I'm already 50% effaced and 1 cm dialated. The midwife looked shocked when sh...
does anyone know what time period the play "Fiddler on the ROof" would have or did take place? My 2 year old girl and baby girl are going to be utilized in a high sc...
One of my good friend's is having a baby shower in a couple of weeks and I have no idea what to get her. I want to give her something that she will need but at the s...