Hello to all the wives out there. My husband is a very hard worker and is always there to help out anyone in need. Heres the problem, he works ten hour days and w...
This year, I'll be married for 8 years. My husband is 35 and I am 25. I dont know that this is much of a question is more like a thought and would like to know if...
I know I have old values for couples, no living together before marriage, marriage first and then children. But, the couples today have different values, living toge...
My sister-in-law is getting married for the second time. My husband, daughter, and myself are all standing up and it sounds like it is going to be a smaller (200 peop...
I am so down right now. My husband just told me he does not want to be with me anymore. I really want our marriage to work out and so I am seeking information on a go...
I'm not sure when you should call your marraige quits. I 've always thoght that your first five years of marriage were your "honeymoon" years. The happiest I have bee...
My husband and I own and operate a medical office. One of our staff members is getting married and we would like to get her a gift. It will be her second marr...