prolactin levels

Related Questions & Answers

Results 71-80 from 209 articles

Newborn with Engorged Breast Buds

V.S. asks from Philadelphia

My newborn son is 17 days old. I took him to the MD today due to inconsolable crying last night (from 11 PM to 5 AM). He has hard, engorged breast buds from the hor...


Still Producing Milk After 5 Months of Not B-feeding

S.H. asks from South Bend

I stopped breastfeeding my daughter around christmas time 07. It is now May 08 and although they dont feel engorged or anything like that, my breasts still have milk ...


Nursing Stresses

N.L. asks from Chicago

My son just turned 6 months, and lately my milk supply is in the toilet. I know that when you pump you never get the amount your child is eating, but I barely pump 2...


Pregnancy Symptoms with a False Negative Test

A.T. asks from San Francisco

I'm wondering if anyone has had a pregnancy blood test and home urine tests come up negative, but then found out you were pregnant. Here is my situation. I could hav...


Still Leaking Breast Milk

R.D. asks from Odessa

My son is 5 months old and I only breastfed him for two weeks do to his acid reflex and the protein in his stomach did not agree with my milk. Anyways it has been 5 m...


Seeking Moms with Same Experience About Nipple Discharge

C.E. asks from Chicago

Hi moms, My right breast nipple feels warm and tender i'm also getting discharge. It's not bloody but it's white and a tint of green. I went to the doctor and I have...


Why Am I Lactating Afer 10 Months of Not Nursing, Could I Be Pregnant?

W.S. asks from San Francisco

I stopped nursing my third child about 10 months ago, (he's almost two), this morning I noticed I could squeeze milk out of my breasts! I know I haven't been able to ...


Milk Out of Nowhere?

L.A. asks from New York

Ladies - Our little one, my first is now 7.5 months old. We stopped b-feeding at 5 months. I never had any leaking, and no difficulty with the weaning. Out of no ...



V.F. asks from Cleveland

I stopped taking my depo in april I had a period in july for three weeks I spot every now and then also I have breast milk i took two tests both came back negative wh...


Continue the ? of What to Eat Before Baby Is Born to Produce More Milk

K.M. asks from Detroit

Ok moms I sent a thank you out this morning for all of you your responses where awesome! There was one response mentioned something about maybe genetically it can't b...

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Answer Highlights

  • could still squeeze milk in 2 answers "... the first couple of years after I had my children, I could still squeeze milk ..."
  • simple blood test in 2 answers "... your pitutary gland (very rare), which can be ruled out with a simple blood test ..."
  • able to squeeze milk in 2 answers "i was able to squeeze milk out for almost two years after i stopped nursing."
  • blood pregnancy test in 2 answers "They can suggest a blood pregnancy test if they feel it sounds like you could be pregnant."
  • cabbage leaves in 3 answers "i used cabbage leaves to ease the pain from engorgement but i have never heard it ..."