I did not have a period for the month of March, I have been very irritable latley & fatigue, but i have also been workin alot of overtime at work which could be why ...
If the mother's diet is not filled with "super" nutritional foods, would it be better to make the transition from breastfeeding to formula? For the first 7 months of...
In reading answers regarding things that help with ADHD, a non processed food diet is often mentioned. It seems like everything is processed in some way. What do yo...
Okay, Ladies....I eat healthy, I exercise, and I'm just "stuck". I need to find a diet pill to help me lose the last 5-10 lbs to get me flat and toned. Please help?...
Has anyone heard that the woman's diet also has a part in the sex of the baby and if you eat a lot of calcium you will have a girl and grain for boys???
Ok ladies.....I am about 9 weeks pregnant and found out that I have gallstones. The doctor told me they can not do surgery on me until after the baby comes and for n...
I am 15 weeks pregnant and am very nervous because i had preeclempsia whith my last pregnancy and lost my baby at 25weeks.I am very nervous now because i have felt th...
My husband and I have been talking for awhile about some improvements to our diets that we'd like to make. In general, I feel like we eat pretty well. We do very li...
Hello! I'm 12 weeks pregnant, and I have gained about 8lbs. I gain weight real easily. I need healthy snacks that are filling (because I get so hungry), and I can'...