We are looking for a good toddler booster seat. My daughter is 2.5 years, 31 pounds and 36 inches. She still needs a 5-point harness, but I would like one that goes...
For any of you that have had the Britax Marathon carseat, when did your child grow out of it? We have a 3 1/2 year old that weighs 35 pounds and we are str...
hello, i need to lose 20 pounds, i just had a baby girl on jan6th and need to lose some extra pounds...any advice..y new years resolotion is to eat healthy be healthy...
Our child is almost one and we received a Britax Marathon for Christmas. Do we install this forward or rear facing? On the box it says it can be one year and 20 poun...
I know this isnt right or the right way to lose, but anyone tried and succeeded in quickweight loss of upto 25 pounds in a month?
I know the healthy way is two pound...
I have lost 9 pounds but I have been struggling with my weight my whole life? I feel like my goal of 50 pounds is never going to happen! I would love some weight loss...
Hello Moms.. This is my first time asking a question so bear with me. This may sound trivial but it has become quite annoying to me and starting to become offensive...
My 1 year old baby girl is only 17.5 pounds so I am waiting till she is twenty pounds to give the MMR vaccine to her. I know they recommend it at a year. I am still ...
Ok, so this might seem like a silly question but here goes. I have always been about 5-10 pounds over weight. I have an ok body not firm but ok. I have always been a ...
I'm confused about child car seat laws in California. I have not been able to find a person or website (CHP's website is down indefinitely) who can answer the follow...