My daughter is 22 months old. I am trying to decide if I should get a toddler bed or just get a twin. I don't understand the purpose of a toddler bed, especially si...
My 3 yr 8 month old son has just been potty trained. It's only been a week. He is wearing underwear all day and has no problem doing pee in the potty and always tel...
So my oldest daughter is 2 3/4 and is beyond smart (I know biased opinion but still =0). We bought her a potty when she was about 18 months because she was showing s...
My twin boys are only 18 months and not ready for potty training yet, but I thought I'd ask for suggestions as to what is the best type of potty-toilet to get for the...
My son will be 3 1/2 mos. old Oct. 23rd and he still is not potty trainined. His twin sister potty trained in two days this past Feburary. My son just is not intere...
I know there have been an abundance of potty training questions on here lately, and despite being ready for PT myself I tried really hard to avoid adding another ques...
I just finished day-one of potty training my 2 year old son -- we started after his nap. We are using the method where we take him to the potty every 20 minutes and ...
Hi! My boys are 2 1/2 (will be 3 at the end of April) and I'm starting to potty train them. Well, at least one of them. The other twin isn't interested but he want...
My daughter just turned two last month. I am struggling with the best way to potty train her. I know that she is still young and has plenty of time to learn, but sh...
My 2 year-old daughter seems to be ready for potty training. She tells me when she needs to use the potty, but then she won't "go". It seems like a power struggle, bu...