I had a c-section one week ago today and just noticed that my feet and ankles were swollen. I've been resting and trying to take it easy but a little hard with a newb...
I'd like to hear your experience(s) with attempted VBACs. Successes? Horror stories? I cannot find any friends or aquaintances who have had a successful VBAC! Ear...
I am 36 weeks pregnant with twins and It is looking as though I am going to have to have a C-section and I have previously had 2 vaginal births. Have any of you exper...
I am 8 months pregnant and considering this. My twins are 6 years old now so I am thinking my uterus is healed after my c-section with them. My doctor says that I h...
Hi, I had a c section 5.5 years ago and 3 years ago and have had permanent numbness since then. I went and saw several doctors and specialists to see what had caused ...
My doctor scheduled me for a C-Section at 36 weeks. She says 90% of babies are fine at 36 weeks. Have any of you delivered at 36 weeks? Any advice you can give? I...
I have never had a c-section but my cousin may need to have one with her first child. She was given the option of two types of stitches dissolving ones or staples (wh...
Has anyone waxed over their c-section scar? My scar is 12 months old now, but still pretty tender. It's so low that it's in the area that will be waxed. Does anyon...
I'm having a scheduled C-Section in a about a week. My OB says 4-6 weeks for recovery but I've been told that that is crazy from someone who went through it. I'm sure...
I recently had a c-section and have been having extreme pain in my chest, upper back and shoulder. My doctor said it was trapped air from the surgery. I was curious...