phantom baby

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Results 31-40 from 140 articles

Paranoia After Tubes Being Tied...

S.L. asks from Los Angeles

I had my tubes tied in Aug 08. I am still nursing our 8 1/2 month old son. I've had one period since he's started on solids. I keep feeling twitching in my belly. ...


Found Out That I Might Be Pregnant and Kinda worried....I Couk

K.J. asks from New Orleans

Hi all....i was supposed to have my monthly cycle yesterday(12/21) and it never came. Well tonight i couldn't wait any longer and took another pregnancy test and had ...


Mom Looking for Advice on past Ct Scans

J.H. asks from New York

My 6 year old had two head CT scans as a baby at 3 months and 6 months. My MIL read an article published in the Lancet that said two or three CT scans increase the ca...


Questions Regardin an Unplanned C-section...

W.A. asks from Honolulu

Hi all, I just found out last week that my baby is in a breech postion and I will be having a C-section. I am very freaked out by it and down right scared. I planned ...


Ahh, I'm Freaking Out.. Thinking That I'm Preggo, but Tests Say Neg! HELP!

K.E. asks from Dallas

So I am prob going to sound a little crazy, but I am just going out of my mind!! I have a almost 8 month old daughter, and I am thinking that I'm preggo again because...


Help! My Hands Fall Asleep All the Time!

C.B. asks from Dallas

This is so weird! Since the birth of my son on October 10, 2007, I noticed that my hands were falling asleep or getting tingles in them. At first is happened when I...


I'm Pregnant! Anyone Else "Know" Before They Knew?

S.C. asks from Kansas City

So this is partially just me jumping up and down for joy (sorry, bear with me!) because I just found out last night I'm pregnant and am SO excited!! But I know I ough...


13 Days Late, and Negative Hpt's?

S.R. asks from Los Angeles

First off let me start by saying that my spouse and I are currently trying for baby number 1 (I'M SO EXCITED). Well the first day of my last period was February 21, 2...


Possibly Pregnant?

M.B. asks from Los Angeles

I was wondering if any of you had stories to share, or insight into my situation. I have a daughter who is 2 1/2, and knew the morning after conception that I was pr...


Pregnant or Strange?

J.K. asks from Atlanta

Over the past few months, my midriff near my womb has been having small spasms -- nothing major but enough that they sometimes "show" on the outside. I've been having...

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