We have started our little one on cereal once a day but have been adding it to each bottle. The problem is the cereal seems to not fit through the slow flow ni...
My son makes a clicking sound when nursing. It seems to be something he's doing with his tongue, and it's making my nipples very sore! Has anyone else had this prob...
I was wondering if it is bad if I take my son off of formula? He had 2 teeth come in and we just kicked him off the bottle because he kept putting holes in the nipple...
I am 15 weeks pregnant. My nipples are extremely sore!! They feel chapped! Is this normal? What can I do about it? I did not have this at all with my first. If I did,...
It's been about four weeks since I last had sex with my ex boyfriend. We had sex before I started my period and while I was on my period. I am supposed to start in th...
I am due to give birth in three weeks! YAY! I exclusively breastfed my other three children, which was great. But I want to supplement this little guy with formula. I...
I was wondering if it is bad if I take my son off of formula? He had 2 teeth come in and we just kicked him off the bottle because he kept putting holes in the nipple...
I'm concerned with all news about the polycarbonate in baby bottles. I'm using the Avent bottles and nipples. Their bottles are #7, which is the one to avoid, even th...
My son is 7 months old and has Thrush. I was wondering if anyone else has had any experience with this. How long did it last? He is still being breast fed so the d...
I'm going to an all inclusive resort in mexico and my baby drinks from a bottle. I'm worried about washing my the bottles in the water there. Does anyone have any s...