This may just be part of being a boy, but my 2 1/2 year old is extremely hyper. Does anyone know if TV or what contributes to ADHD/ hyperactive behavior.
I want...
My daughter is only 6th months so I know in many ways I am getting ahead of myself but that is how I am! I would love to read some good, quality books on the how tos...
Thank you all so much for your responses! I am definitely going to attend. For anyone would like like info you can go to for times and tickets! I...
I'm taking my 1-year-old daughter into the pediatrician today for her 1-year well visit. She's scheduled to have shots--I forgot to ask which ones--and I'm having th...
I am 6 weeks pregnant with my first child. I went to the bookstore the other day to get a book for expecting mothers and was overwhelmed with the selection. Any sugge...
I have heard so much controversy about getting your kids immunized. Is it good for them? Or even is it doing any good? I have even heard that if you choose not to ...
For breastfeeding moms who've used the Babywise method (Ezzo), how long before your baby slept thru the night? I know only formula fed babies using the Babywise metho...
I'm about to be a first-time mom and my husband and I keep going back and forth on whether to vaccinate or not; if we do, should we alter the vaccine schedule ...
I feel so guilty about writing this, but my son is pushing me to the brink of insanity! And he is only 18 months old. It feels like everything with him is a battle. E...