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Results 131-140 from 201 articles

Does Anyone Else Worry That the Gifts Will Look Sparse Under the Tree This Year?

A.S. asks from Boca Raton

I think I'm done shopping for my teen sons. The only problem is that the "loot" looks less than years past. And in fact I did spend less than I normally do (but sti...


No Money but...nails, New Tattoos, Hair....

B.F. asks from Toledo

Explain to me why people who claim they have "no money" and are considering letting the bank take their home can afford to have a new tattoo, fake acrylic nails, go...


Pricing Garage Sale Items...lots of Questions!

A.B. asks from Fayetteville

I'm having a hard time pricing items to sell, I've never had a garage sale before. (I don't want to violate policy here so I'm going to be careful! I really do need h...


Why Is It Not Possible to Stay "Hot" After Having a Baby?

Y.P. asks from Phoenix

Let me start by saying, please forgive the ignorance of this question, this is my first baby! I'm a girly girl, I wear makeup every day and don't leave the house w...


Sick of the Judgment and Insensitive Comments.

A.B. asks from Naples

I just had to stand and grit my teeth for about 15 minutes making water cooler talk with a woman who, up until today, I really thought was my friend. This woman was g...


What Do You Consider a BIG Gift for Christmas?

M.D. asks from Washington DC

My husband and I grew up in very different economies. He grew up with a single mother of 3 kids in the deep south, working to simply survive. I grew up with my dad be...


Eye Patches and Amblyopia

C.W. asks from Minneapolis

My 4 year old daughter just got diagnosed with amblyopia and was prescribed glasses. The Pediatric Optomitrist we saw does not believe in eye patches, just glasses, b...


Does Your Husband Give You a Mother's Day Gift?

N.G. asks from Los Angeles

Does your husband give you a Mother's Day Gift? This study ( says that ONLY 6% of men think they sh...


How Do You Dress for Kids Sporting Events?

S.S. asks from Atlanta

Today was a busy day with soccer, baseball and la crosse. Tyler and I were busy going back and forth with all four boys. At my 2nd youngest son's soccer game, the...


What Do You like About Your KITCHEN ?

J.P. asks from Chicago

Hi Ladies, I am going to have my kitchen remodled and I was just wondering if you could take time to share with me any tips that would help me out. I have an L shape...

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Answer Highlights

  • people who go to yard sales in 2 answers "... get a bit better price than at a yard sale. Most people who go to yard sales ..."
  • sneakers or flip flops in 2 answers "T-shirt or tank, shorts, sneakers or flip up in a pony or clip and sunglasses."
  • stainless steel appliances in 2 answers "... much nicer and add value to a house, etc., but I hate stainless-steel appliances."
  • go all the way up to the ceiling in 2 answers "1) I wish I'd made my cabinets go all the way up to the ceiling (less dust). 2) I ..."
  • granite counter tops in 2 answers "... it is the first thing everyone notices about our home. -Granite counter tops ..."