Need to loose aleast 30 pounds need easy diet tips, without buying a lot of expensive foods and pills.just had a baby 5 months ago hard to shed the baby fat. Need hel...
I have Pcos Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. It is tiny cysts on your ovaries. Making it very hard to get pregnant. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for ov...
My husband told me last night that he heard (I think from the news or something like that) if there is a history of high cholesterol in your family, and especially if...
My husband, who is only 28 yrs old, just found out he has high cholestrol. I am so concerned for him. When we met (only 17 years old) he weighed 128 lbs(He was sooo...
Okay so I hit rock bottom. I am fat, I know I'm fat, and I am ready to change. I watch my son during the day and work 12 hour shifts at night. I have to get a few ...
I'm going crazy! I am the healthiest eater I know. (I only eat organic, cook everything from scratch, low salt, no processed foods, no manmade foods, drinks lots of...
Every morning my husband eats two cooked eggs on toast topped with Parmesan cheese. Although it is a good balance of carbohydrate, protein, and fat, I think it is jus...
So here's my dilemma. I need help with my 11 month old's nutrition because he's underweight and he's allergic to milk. I know soy milk doesn't have all the fat babi...
My son is 26.5 months old. His ped told me to switch him to low fat milk a while back but I never did because I like the fact that the whole milk has DHA in it. My ...
My son will be 1 year old next week and I was wondering about what type of mile I should start him on. Right now he is taking Enfamil Prosobee and I am not sure if I ...