Went to whole foods and found this product called 4321 organic tea, I'm on my second day of drinking this tea along with 32 oucnes of water, has anyone tried this tea...
We, the family, were invited to a party. I am not particularly fond of the wife of my husband's friend but I did not think much and said yes since my husband loves pa...
My son is 18 months old. My husband and I are seperated soon to be divorced we live 350 miles apart. Per court order every other week I have to bring my son for a sup...
Hello mamas. I really need some advice on how to go about handling my daughter who is 18 and living at home. She is a responsible person who has a part-time job, ha...
So here is the deal. My nephew is having his first birthday party in a month. My mom is making comments that my brother and his wife should have no beer or alcohol ...
My husband asked me tonight if he could go on a weekend trip to meetup with 6 of his high school buddies and rent a room in Reno, CA and hangout. These are his CA hig...
My 15 year old daughter is currently grounded for lying, buying alcohol, and sharing the alcohol with someone else. This all happened two months after she got off gr...
Hi again mamas. You can post stalk me for details on my on-going issue with my mom, but in a nutshell, she is an alcoholic who has recently relapsed and in a bad way...
so my fiance bought a book a few months ago about being a father .. its a pretty damn long book lol so he hasnt been reading it start to finish he'll pick it up and r...
I have two friends(they do not know each other) that both have 18 year old boys. We live here in the US. Recently, they both took trips to Mexico where the legal dr...