My 2 yr old grandson goes crazy when he's done eating he wants out of his highchair right now. It's almost impossible taking him out to eat in a restaurant. Any sugg...
I would like to find a high-risk OBGYN in Nassau County. I recently had a miscarriage and also had a LEEP procedure done a some time ago. Can someone please give me...
My son is 12 weeks old and pretty much from day one we have figured out that he was "not the normal" baby...he would cry and cry and cry and was very uneasy, unsettle...
I am wanting to know if anyone else has heard of the term "high needs" toddlers? My daughter has always been what I have described as high maintenance. She never li...
So, I have read reviews on potty chairs and I havent been able to find a good one for boys. They either leak or the guard is too small. My son is only 1 and I am no...
Which one are you? In your opinion, what does it even MEAN to be high or low maintenance? Does your significant other care one way or the other?
***FYI I am classi...
I have my 4 year old daughter in a booster chair that has a 5-point harness and Seat Belt Option. It says to convert to the Seat Belt after from 40 - 100 pounds (whi...
I am wanting to purchase a high chair or booster seat and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on a brand or a particular one to get. I'm looking for one that...
I have a 16mth old boy, 2 bathrooms (full and powder room) and were looking toward potty training and need recommendations on what to purchase. There are soo...
I am going to start using a time-out chair/spot for my son and I want to know any tips or successes with using a time-out chair/spot.
I am new to this so any advic...