diet soda pregnancy

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Results 21-30 from 820 articles

Diabetes Diet and Pregnancy

Y.B. asks from Seattle

I just got my test results back from my glucose test that I did the other day. Even though I don't have gestational diabetes I am on the high end of normal. My midw...


HGC Diet Has Anyone Tried It??

J.M. asks from Kansas City

I have a friend who is going to start this diet tomorrow, where you put so many drops of hgc under your tounge and eat only 500 calories while doing it. The girl who ...


Help with Diet After Baby #3

A.B. asks from Provo

I had my 3rd baby in October and have long struggled with breast milk production. I finally found Domperdone and it is working but the side effects include not havin...


Diet Fatigue & Jitters

N.W. asks from Harrisburg

I have quite a bit of weight to lose (could stand lose 70 lbs). My weight has fluctuated all my life from VERY fit to now. It is not that I don't know how to eat an...


Anyone Drink Diet Coke While Pregnant?

A.T. asks from Chicago

Hi everyone! Basically, what I am wondering is if anyone drank Diet Coke during their pregnancy and have since delivered a healthy baby/child. Or, if you dran...


Pregnancy Workout??

S.R. asks from San Antonio

I just found out that baby #3 is on the way, and the recent years have been a struggle to lose the weight from the first and second pregnancies. I'm worried that wit...


Migraines and Pregnancy

S.R. asks from Los Angeles

Any other mamas out there with migraines? I have been getting them since I was 8, and they have evolved over the years. They used to blindside me and wipe me out fo...


Pregnancy Headaches

A.M. asks from New York

Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any experience with really really bad headaches during their pregnancy. I'm 16 weeks along with our second and I'm miserable! my fi...


Has Anyone Tried South Beach Diet or Any Diet That Works Well with Out Starving

P.M. asks from Los Angeles

Hi There, I am trying to find a diet program that I have not tried. I have done it all. I don't like counting calories. I don't like eating packaged foods. How is ...


Question About Pregnancy

M.C. asks from Youngstown

Hello ladies, maybe you can help ease my mind. I am almost 37 weeks pregnant with my first child. Being that this is my first I don't know what is normal and what i...

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