When is it that a child should have his first dental visit? I heard recently, it was as soon as you see teeth! I can't imagine my 10 m/o son sitting in a chair for a ...
Am I the only one that this happens to? I started my period yesterday and noticed the gums right behind my front teeth were a little sore, but thought maybe I poked t...
My son lost his first tooth a month or so ago. The "tooth fairy" brought him a new light up electric toothbrush that he LOVES. It's green when he should be brushing, ...
Our pediatric dentist is suggesting IV sedation for our 20 month old who has cavities on his front top teeth. Have any of you taken your child for dental treatment at...
I have a cavity. I can't get it worked on until January b/c I need to start the deductible then, and not waste it the last week of the year when I know I will eventua...
I currently have a new dental insurance - Aetna DMO with orthodontia - I am looking for an orthodontist and a regular dentist - any recommendations would be appreciat...
Have you heard of bottle rot? Has anyone had experience with this? Part of my LO's routine is to have a bottle at night and fall asleep in my or my hubby's arms. S...
He has bad breath. He hardly ever brushes his teeth. I don't remember when this became such a problem...we used to be just a couple of horny you-know-whats. A kiss he...
I am approaching my one year anniversary with my husband. We have a 5 month old little boy and a 8 year old daughter(mine from a previous relationship) I totally boun...
hi i'm D.. My 13 y/o daughter has many molar pains. we took her to the dentist but all he said was it is just a tooth growing in behind. i need to find ways to help w...