Can anyone recommend a good Toddler car seat. My daughter is not old enough for a booster but is about to outgrow her car seat that she is currently using. I was lo...
We currently are using the Britax companion and have loved it so far. But, the summer is approaching and it is deep purple and hot. We also feel that our 8 month old ...
I feel a little confused and need a better understanding for myself. I' m starting to look for a new car seat for my 10 month old since she is starting to outgrow her...
So I am looking to buy a car seat for my baby girl who will be here soon. I can't seem to find one that is in our price range. There was one that I found at sears and...
My son is 11 months and 20 lbs. I have bought his car seat already but I was wondering if I should switch him now, since he is 20 lbs, or wait until he is 1. Does it ...
I will be having my third child this summer. I have begun going through all the baby stuff that I used with my two older children to refresh my memory (it has been al...
I am about to purchase a car seat for our baby and really like the look of the Britax, but the stores where we live do not carry one that I can see or lift to see how...
I have been doing a ton of research online for a convertible car seat for my 1 year old. Unfortunately I am really confused. All of my friends use the Britax Marath...
I have 2 questions:
1. Emma just started walking 2 days ago. Any suggestions on where to get her fitted for real shoes in Manhattan?
2. She is close to outgr...
Hi, does anyone have a recommendation for a safe, easy to install, yet inexpensive convertable car seat? We would like to buy two so that my mom can take the kids pl...