I am pregs with number three, as most know I think! Anyhoo, I was wondering what the stats out there are for two of the same gender and then a third of the opposing ...
2 questions:
My son is starting to get a few blemishes. Just wondering is there a brand for boys that maybe I'm forgetting about or do you buy your son's noxema or ...
It seems to me that when it comes to raising boys, most Moms think you should raise them to be tough, not wimps, and to not cry. While some of the old fashioned idea...
My son is on the verge of crawling and moving around a lot these days and along with this has come a serious problem with being distracted while nursing. It is a rea...
My friend has two boys and they are so good together! My three girls always have drama and all they do is whine at eachother! It is really starting to drive me insane...
I'm so hoping for some insight here. My friend tells me not to be a "pyscho-mom" , other people tell me there is no way they'd put up with half of what my son goes th...
My nephew is about to turn 5. Wooow. lol. It got me to thinking that he is the only boy (other than my hubby) in the family. It's him, his 3 sisters, and my DD. He do...
i would love to meet with other moms who have twin boys around my sons' ages of 18 months. let me know if you would like to meet for a play date in january, and hopef...