I have a 13 year old daughter and the last time I took her to the doc, she suggested the HPV vacination. We are a christian family and are teaching our girls to wait...
My baby is breech and my Dr is going to do External Cephalic Version next week to try and turn her. I am very nervous about having to have a c-section if this doesn't...
I haven't been fortunate enough to travel to or live outside of the US. Do other countries have the equivalent of a Pledge of Allegiance? What kinds of traditions a...
When you feel like there is no one in the world to talk to you? When you are struggling on your own? When you are never happy personally? I am happy when I am with my...
my daughter is about to turn 13 and I am worried about the usuall concerns of this fast paced world taking her into things that may not be so good. her father is in f...
My daughter is interested in walking home from school next year. I trust her, but I don't trust the world. She and a friend could walk to our home which is right next...
My daughter is almost 4. She tells me what to wear (including shoes) and if I don't wear what she likes then she cries so hard. I have to go through this every mornin...
I adopted 2 girls through the foster care system. Each of them came to us at 9+ months old. On Monday, a sibling was born to one of my daughters and the county plac...
My husband tells me that everyone is afraid of me. He says I look mean and most times I am mean. (according to the public eye) How do I get over that hump? Being more...
Mine is:
Turn-On: A man with his head bent in earnest prayer. It shows such strength and humility at the same time. I love it! Bonus if he has strong hands and...