My grandson is almost 3 1/2 & was watching a "rescue heros" movie where a boy called 911 when his house caught on fire. He asked me what that was, & i explained it to...
I will be moving to Asheville this summer and would like to begin researching preschools in the area. We are looking in the Arden/Fletcher/Fairview Areas. If you have...
My boyfriend has been living with me since April 2008, but myself and the children are the only ones on the lease. However, he may have established residency by the f...
My son informed me last night that another boy in his Pre-K class has been spitting on him. Is this a from of bullying? Should I address it with the teacher? The sc...
I am looking for advice on managing the behavior of my daughter's friends. How does one handle dismissive behavior? They are 12-13 years old. There are several gir...
Hi! I'm having a birthday party for my daughter at a local pizza parlor (Gatti's). I was wondering how do you tell the parent that the child is paid for but the adult...
My nearly 4 year old daughter's attention span at preschool is really, really bad. I have also just had another baby, who will be six months of age on Saturday. I a...
Does anybody know of a cloth diaper service that would deliver to an APO address? My daughter I think is allergic to diapers she has an on going rash and trust me we ...
I have an extremely active 18 month old boy. He is pretty well behaved, but when he does something wrong, I try to put him in time out or tell him what he did wrong ...
This was proposed in the SOTU address.
(Some states have already raised their state minimum wage.)
Full time Employees earning the Federal minimum wage currently ma...