Hello Everyone!
I have found this site to be extremely helpful in my relocation to the Cleveland, OH area 2 years ago. So, I am hoping the great moms of N.Chicago...
Does this compare to Similac? Taste at all similar? I have been feeding my son Similac for 10 months. I saw how much more reasonable Kirkland brand is at Costco.
My 14-month old son only wants to eat applesauce, yogurt, cheerios, juice or water, or oatmeal everyday. But he also doesnt really care for milk as much. Only if the...
recently my ped. reccomended nutramigen. my son might have a problem with lactose and i don't want to use soy so she said to try this and see what happens. besides th...
I have one month old twin girls and they come home from the hospital this Friday.. I have been researching the formula they are taking and have to keep taking and OMG...
I used Carnation GOod Start with first baby, and had some luck with it. It was the old purple basic formula, supreme, before they added the DHA... I had very bad luc...
Hello ladies. I need your help. My Boyfriend was burned this weekend. He has 2nd degree burns on his face, neck and hand. He was in the hospital for two days and is n...
I've been doing some research on vaccinations. My son is due for his 2-month visit and is supposed to receive 4-shots. I would like to have my doctor separate the s...