I've heard that there are now balance bikes or bikes with no pedals, but when do children learn to ride bikes with pedals? I ask because my husband is conside...
My son is 16 months old and just recently started walking. He walks about 20 steps before losing balance. Anyway, his right leg and foot turns out a lot. I'm wonde...
My husband works retail and I need suggestions on what kinds of shoes to buy him, He stands for 8+hours a day and his feet have been hurting lately, we've tried insol...
Hi ladies, I am need of a vitamin or a magic potion :) to help make a change in my life, for the better. I just googled signs of early menopause and signs of depressi...
My daughter will be 5 in August and wants to learn how to roller blade. My question is, do we buy her skates first, let her get used to the "rolling" feeling then eve...
My daughter is 15 months old and is still not walking. She walks when i hold her hand and she walks while holding onto something but cant seem to balance on her own. ...
My daughter is now 14 mos old but she doesnt respond when i call her name.but she is responsive whenever he hears some baby songs or sounds that are familiar to her.s...
I have a 5 yr. old daughter who walked on her tippy toes from day one. Now she has to have orthotics put on her legs b/c she can't balance well and she has absolutel...
Hi. My son has been asking me for a pair of those shoes that have wheels in the soles. I think they are called "Heelies" ? I see many teenagers using them in the ...
My husband and I are moving to Overland Park, 66224, next week. Does anyone know of a bank that has no fees for a checking account with no minimum balance requiremen...