9 month baby weight

Related Questions & Answers

Results 81-90 from 7,931 articles

I Can't Lose Weight!

E.B. asks from Phoenix

Ok, so since I had my twins I dropped most of the weight except for those last 5-7 lbs. I've been working out for the past 6 months, about 3 times a week. I do card...


Is My Son Under Weight?

J.G. asks from New York

My son is 17 months old and weighs 20lbs. He was born 7lbs 9oz His doctor says he's under weight. The doctor recommended Haggon Dazs icecream 3 times a day to put on ...


9 Month Old Not Growing

K.W. asks from Los Angeles

I took my seemingly happy and healthy 9 month old to his well baby check up yesterday and discovered he hasn't grown since his 6 month check up. I was shocked becaus...


Weight Loss

L.H. asks from Colorado Springs

I just recently had a son four months ago. And I am having a hard time losing the weight. The problem is that I was a little overweight when I got pregnant. My husban...


Weight Issues

R.K. asks from San Francisco

hi moms. so, i have been really torn about this issue. i don't subscribe to a "thin is better" view, nor do i believe it is always healthier. i find many different...


Feeding My 9 Month Old

M.C. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms - You were all so helpful with my last question, I'm bringing another to you. I have a 9 month little girl and doctor's don't seem to be much help in th...


9 Month Old Diet

G.M. asks from San Francisco

We just had my daughter's 9 month well-baby check up today, as she turned 9 months yesterday. I predominantly give her formula (since about 5 1/2 mo.), but still bre...


Nursing and Weight

J.W. asks from Detroit

Does anyone else feel that they are not blessed with the "nursing burns off the babyweight" theory? I am nursing my 3rd child and with each child I lost all my babyw...


Weight Lose

M.C. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, In the last couple of years I have put on a lot of weight, maybe 40 extra pounds. I’m starting to get really upset when looking at myself in the mirror, ...


Weight Loss

J.H. asks from Nashville

I need some help. I am over weight and have high BP. I have walked 3 to 4 miles a day for over 4 months, 4 to 6 times a week. I watch what I eat and make healthy choi...

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Answer Highlights

  • muscle weighs more than fat in 2 answers "... are doing everything you could be doing...remember muscle weighs more than fat ..."
  • lose those last few pounds in 3 answers "... foremost - don't put too much pressure on yourself to lose those last few pounds."
  • figure out how many calories in 2 answers "good foods". One day I used a web site to figure out how many calories I had eaten ..."
  • him ice cream 3 times in 2 answers "I don't know if I would go with giving him ice cream 3 times a day that seems like ..."
  • apple cider vinegar in 2 answers "I think you should add Apple cider vinegar for loosing weight, add 2 teaspoons of ..."