My 3 year year old finally got her MMR shot last week and the dr said that a small percentage of kids get fevers 7-10 days after receiving the vaccine. On the 8th day...
My 3 yr old daughter received Flu Mist this past Wednesday and yesterday had a runny nose and 100 degree fever which came down with Motrin. Otherwise she's fine and a...
Thanks! Since it's viral fever , his fever shot up again in the night. He is doing well now. There was nothing to worry but as a mom it's impossible not to worry.
A few weeks ago, I wrote in about my three year old's excessive peeing and frequent peeing accidents. I was worried she might be showing symptoms of diabetes. We did ...
My little 10.5 month old is running his first fever. He's had a very loose cough for 3 days and runny (but clear) nose for 2. The fever is just around 100 so I'm not ...
My family has had a terrible cold now for about 1 1/2 weeks. My 2 month old started with a fever of 100, 4 days ago. I took him into the ped and all physically look...
My child is running a fever of 102.9 since yesterday. she got what we thought two seizures, we took her to the ER, they said it was only aluzinations due to fever and...
Ok - I have to ask a follow up question to my recent question regarding my nine year old sons off and on fever. He tested positive for strep about three weeks ago - ...
Hi. I was wondering if there is a tummy virus going around now. If so, can you give me a heads up on what to expect? My son has a fever and is complaining about his s...
My son has had a fever off and on now for two days. The highest that it spikes is 102 and he is not exhibiting any other signs of a cold or infection or anything like...