My 1st grade daughter is a good kid. My husband is overall a very good dad - and he's also a very involved dad the past 2 years because he's been the stay-at-home pa...
Are there not neutral infant clothes, anymore? What is a person to do , that is waiting to find out the sex of their baby?
Honestly, I'm fine waiting to buy the bu...
I have a five year old who has recently taken to wearing his 3 year old sisters clothes including her underwear. He is totally into it. He gets so excited about it ...
My baby is currently enrolled fulltime in infant daycare and has three main teachers. For teacher appreciation week, the director has announced that she is collectin...
I used the 3 day potty training and it worked, but only in the house. She will feel the urge to go, and just go potty in the toilet if she's naked, but if she has pan...
My twin girls are turning 1 very soon!!! I have no ideas for a first birthday party. With my son he had an interest in baby Einstein...but my girls aren't interested ...
My daughter is almost 5 years old and so is her best friend. They have been at the same daycare together for about 3 years now. Almost everyday, when I pick up my gir...
My daughter is 7 months old and numerous people have asked what her lovey is. Well she doesn't have one. My hubby is a stay at home dad she doesn't go to anyone hou...
My baby boy is 6 months old. He has slept swaddled since he was born. He is a good sleeper with the swaddle on. He has given up his middle of the night feeding and we...