Tummy Time: Dora the Explorer

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40 answers

Challenges at Bath Time

I have a 17 mo daughter who went from one day loving her bath (at a yr old) to now crying hysterically every time she gets in the bath. We've always only bathed her twice a week due to eczema patches on shoulders/back, after the change we started bathing her in the kitchen sink again but it requires two of us to do it (one to hold her over the sink during the hair washing phase)and she still cries. When my husband went out of town for a week, I put her in the bath. She still cries hysterically but it needs to get done! I've gotten lots of...

Not walking

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16 answers

Trying to Be helpful.............venting

I live in a pretty standard midwestern suburban neighborhood. We had a huge storm during the night so our neighborhood is full of debris, branches, items from yards, etc. This morning I was out walking my dog and noticed a Dora the Explorer ball in a storm drain. Two kids about age 7 were playing in the driveway across the street so I stopped to ask them if it was their ball. They looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language and didn't respond. I asked about three times and was just about to give up and walk away (I thought...


Dinosaurs ~ RaWr!

Today I took my 3 year to a park in my local area that I hadn't been to for...