Sex: Nasonex

13 answers

Two and a Half Year Old, Sleep Apnea/disorder or Just Snoring?

My two and a half year old daughter makes very strange sounds when she sleeps. It occurs both during her naps and at night, even when she naps in the car upright in her car seat. It sounds as if she is struggling to breathe and gasps for air. It is not due to a cold because we have noticed this as far as we can remember. She has an appointment on tuesday for a sleep apnea test to see if there is oxygen restricted to her brain. Has anyone out there experienced this with their own child? I mentioned it to her ped and she mentioned that it...

Teen Pregnancy

See all 71 articles
7 answers

Nasonex While Pregnant?

I just recently found out that I'm pregnant with #3. I'm excited and happy but I've been taking Nasonex because I thought it was safe. Today I googled it and found out it's a Category C and that the same steroid has been known to cause birth defects in animals. I'm completely freaked out. I'm wondering if anyone here has ever taken Nasonex while pregnant, and if it turned out okay? Thanks


Pregnant or Not?

We are trying for number 2. I am 5 days late and I took a pregnancy test...