Pregnancy Tests: Infant, Simplicity

Trying for a Boy or a Girl

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24 answers

Baby Carriers or Slings?

Any advice on baby carriers for newborns and beyond six months? Feedback on pros/cons on brands like the ERGO, Baby Bjorn, Beco and Infantino backpack carrier would be great. I'd also love to hear feedback on reasons why someone would use a sling (I'm a bit afraid to use it given the recent recall) vs. carrier. Thanks!


American Girl Dolls

My daughter, who wil be 7 soon, really wants an American Girl doll. She...


Why Can't She Try?

I am married, for the second time, to an amazing husband and father. We have...

When to try

See all 123 articles
109 answers

Best Baby Shower Gift You Received

I am invited to a baby shower for a woman who's first child goes to school and after-school care with my own children. Her first son is six and she is pregnant again with another boy. I've been to their house a couple of times and they seem to be the type that could go out and buy anything they wanted or needed at anytime - where as we're living paycheck to paycheck and still trying to make ends meet. So my question is, what can I buy her or make for her that wouldn't look too cheap and would be something that she would want to brag...


When Baby Comes Home

In preparing for the birth of our first baby (we are due July 14th), we have...