Other Nursery Items: Aquaphor

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19 answers

Odor/product Removal Suggestions, Please!

I have two questions. The first: I walked in on my daughter (1-1/2 years old) as she was playing with the big tub of Aquaphor and it was all over her, her furniture, clothing etc. I cleaned most of it but there are large patches of it smeared into a 100% wool area rug. I tried to blot it out but no use. For those of you that don't know what Aquaphor is, it is similar in color and texture to Vaseline - maybe a little thicker. Is there anything I can do to get this out? The second question relates to a fabric handbag I bought on...


16 answers

What Crazy Things Have Your Kids Done to Your House? JFF

Ok.... Funny sigh. Last night my almost 3 yr old son tried to flush the metal piece of the toilet paper holder down the toilet and it's lodged. Of course this happened while I had left to have some sane mommy time. I locked the bathroom door (at least we have another one) and told myself I'd worry about it tomorrow, which is today! haha I don't even want to think about the plumber bill. On another note my husband jokes and says we will paint all the walls over in 10yrs when they're older. (perm. marker on a few) I could go on and on...