I am looking for suggestions for a light weight stroller. My son just turned a year and we are ready for something smaller, but sturdy. We would like to find one wi...
My son 2years 8 months old. He is a very tall boy, he was 36 inches tall when we checked his height couple months ago. We were using the stroller from his travel sys...
Hi Moms! I am looking for suggestions for a single compact stroller. I do not want a $19 umbrella stroller (have one), but I'm not so sure I want to spend $300 on a...
Can anyone recommend or share their experiences with side-by-side double strollers? I'd rather not spend hundreds of dollars if it can be avoided, but don't want to ...
I know this sounds odd but my almost 5yr old daughter who weighs in right at 40lbs still requires a stroller ride if going somewhere with extended periods of walking....
Hey everyone! I am soon to be a mother of 3 little girls and need some advice on strollers. I have a 5 yr old and a 21 month old right now. I bought a side by side...
Babies R' Us is having their 'Great Trade-In Event' and I'm considering trading in our old beat up strollers for new ones. I want to upgrade to a better single stroll...
We live in the city and walk quite a bit or are out all day, so my older son needs a stroller when he's tired or just doesn't want to walk. We do have a sit 'n stand...
I am a first time Mom looking for a stroller. I am from Germany and really like the European ones that start off with a bassinet and later become a stroller but I am ...
hello ladies,
my daughter is 9 mos old and is on the smaller side of average at about 17 pounds and 26 inches. she still fits in her infant car seat and probably ...