My 5 year old son just started kindergarten and is having a rough time behaving. Now this does not come as a surprise to me becasue believe it or not he misbehaves at...
My 5 year old has just started playing t-ball, and last week at practice the coach had them running around the bases, they did 3 laps and my son quit after 2 laps. I...
we don't have any other young kids in our lame neighborhood. Sometimes when the baby is napping and I have to pick up the house my 5 year old can play outside (I can ...
I have a 5 year old girl who has behavior issues and I don't know what to do. No matter what me and her dad tell her she does not listen. I feel like I have to tell h...
Hi Mom's. I don't know what to do, my 5 year old son is suddenly wetting the bed at night. He has wet 4 times since last Tuesday. He just started kindergarten a fe...
Our beautiful, imaginative, caring 5 year old girl is having problems with lying. She has never been good at taking responsibility for her actions but now she just fl...
Hello here one I hope you can really help me with... My 5 year old is VERY shy and she refuses to respond to us as parents and strangers when they ask her something e...
My 5 year old girl is completely depressed all of a sudden - it is like she learned about the emotion of guilt for the first time and it is literally ruining her days...
My 5 year old son has recently started acting out at preschool. A little back ground here, we started a new preschool 2 weeks ago. Behavior has just started this pa...
My 5 year old has high anxiety.(She turns 6 in March) She has trouble adjusting to new situations. She often stresses over the littlest things. Her stress actually ...