I am very excited and proud to be having my first child this July. However, I have never had a high pain tolerance and I'm looking to learn more about natural pain m...
Every year I struggle with getting my kids the flu shot or not, and I usually do it out of fear. But I also fear getting the shot and wonder if its really safe. Wha...
I have three kids and one of the way. I had epidurals with all three of my kids. One of the epidurals didn't take and only my right leg was numb so I push my 8.12 lbs...
I am due in Feb to have my second child. I am wanting a natural childbirth, and that was my goal for my first delivery. I made it into active labor and was dialated t...
I am nearly 39 weeks along. Since Monday, I have been dilated 3cm and 75% effaced. About 2 weeks ago my blood pressure began to rise and I have become at-risk for p...
Hey guys! I am scheduled to be induced May 8th, and I'm really nervous about everything. I'm trying to find out as much as I can about being induced so I can atleast ...
Im 36 weeks and am being induced at the moment b/c my protein levels are high (+3). My blood pressure is normal but goes up off & on. Baby is doing good. So the only ...
SO, my question to you all is this: Do you believe that any form of Child birth is natural or only vaginal? With meds/without? In a hospital or not?
The background...
I'm scheduled to have my first C-section on Dec. 23rd. I have three other children that were born the traditional way, so this is very scary to me. Please let me kn...
Basically, I just want to know what it's going to be like. I'm terrified beyond all hell of going through it, but I know I have to go through it eventually, and if I ...