Household: Toddler, Munchkin

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64 answers

Munchkin Fresh Food Teether

Hello, my little boy just turned 7 months old. I received a two pk. of the Munchking mesh fresh food teethers for my shower and have still yet to use them. My baby is eating stage 2 foods three x's/day and loves it! He is also heavily teething right now. I am not sure what to put in this thing. I have heard strawberries, but not sure of what else. I also heard of putting meat in them? Ew..what kind? Do your babies like this product? Thanks!


12 Month Old Biter

My 12 month old has biten me several times breaking skin. He has his 4 top...


9 answers

Son Isn't Eating

I am having difficulty finding foods my fourteen month old son will eat. At 11 months, he would eat pretty much anything and everything put in front of him. Then about two weeks before he turned one, he stopped eating all table foods, except for Puffs and Cheerios. I associated it with teething. Then at thirteen months, he stopped eating baby food. He refused everything (including puffs and cheerios) except for whole milk. When I called my doctor (after ten days of him eating nothing) she simply said to keep offering food, keep him...


Family Pets

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10 answers

14 Month Old Can't Kick the Bottle Before Bed!

Hi Ladies, I've been reading some past posts, so I have a few good ideas about each of my issues separately, but I am not sure how to handle them together. My 14 month old is a very happy & healthy little girl. BUT she still has 2 bottles per day. The first at naptime (at Grandma's) and the second before bed. She doesn't drink any other milk during the day. I have tried a little to get her to drink milk from her sippy, but she isn't having it (she drinks water from it all day long - no juice yet). So, my question is, how do I get her to...