Household: Infant, Saline Drops

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10 answers

Stuffy Nose - 15 Week Old Infant

Hi Moms, My 15 week old son has a persistant stuffy nose without any other symptoms. I have treated him with saline drops, ran a humidifier at in his room and have recently started using Vicks Baby Rub first thing in the morning and last thing before I put him to bed. Any other suggestions for soothing his poor little nose? Thanks!


Infant with RSV

I took my 3 month old baby girl to hospital this past Wednesday. They ran a...

Cleaning & Housekeeping

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35 answers

Any Tips for Cleaning Baby's Nose W/ Saline and Bulb Syringe - He Hates It!

I have a 7 month old who caught his first cold and has congestion and a runny nose. It's difficult for him to breathe and so the dr. recommended using saline drops and bulb syringe to suction out the mucus. The problem is that he absolutely hates me using it on him and the moment he sees the bulb syringe, he starts twisting his head from side to side and fussing. So it's difficult to even aim the drops in his nose because he's moving so much and hates it. Even when I try to wipe his nose with a kleenex or wet wipe, he does the same...


Congestion in a Baby

I am a grandmother! My stepson has a 1 month old baby girl. Things are very...