I'm expecting my first baby in December...just looking for some advice/recommendations on what I will definitely need right away in terms of supplies/gear. Also- wou...
We are going to california in a few weeks and my husband and I are getting nervous about flying with our 4 and 18 month old.does anyone have advice they would be will...
My newborn son Isaac (10 days old) is really good -- most everyone thinks he is an angel b/c of how mobile he is and how well he does throughout the day. He l...
I'm contemplating weaning in the near future (baby turns one next week). Just wondering, since my baby has never taken a bottle, what I can expect. Do you then bott...
Just wondering if anyone knows which products are phalate-free? I saw the news articles regarding baby soaps/shampoos that are being absorbed into their bodies and f...
We're trying to plan and be as prepared as necessary for our first born who is scheduled to arrive in Sept. We do not want to have lots of unnecessary "stuff". We a...
Thank you everyone for your responses. I was not 'expecting' or 'forcing' my baby to eat table food as was insintuated by some comments. I was only curious since he...
I have an 8 month old boy who is teething. He is really clingy and wont let me out of his sight. He cries and screams if he doesnt have my undivided attention. Im ...
Where can I get a good breast pump without paying an arm and a leg. I like the Ameda and Medela but both of very expensive. In the long run it will be cheaper to bu...