My 5 year old grandson starts kindergarden in 2 wks and refuses to poop in poty. We have tried all the tricks and nothing. Can he go to school with this problem? ...
My 6 y/o daughter has been complaining about her tummy hurting for weeks and her head occasionally. It's one or the other. Morning is usually when she complains about...
I'm at a loss, and hoping that someone can give me some input on my problem. My son, who will be 6 in a few weeks is in Kindergarten. (When he went to preschool ful...
Is there anyone in my shoes? For the past 3 years or more (I lost count a long time ago) my Son has pooped in his pants pretty much everyday. He will not pee in his p...
I know this gets asked a lot here but couldnt find a similar question in the few minutes I searched. My 2 year old daughter hasnt had a bowel movement for going on 4 ...
OK, my son just turned 3 last week & has been completely pee potty trained for 5 months now. He was scared to poop on the potty so we allowed him to poop in pull ups,...
My 2 year old son has never been much for drinking his milk. At his one year check up, he had fallen off his growth curve, so the doctor suggested adding ice cream to...
My two year old daughter has had on and off battles with constipation lately. I have tried taking her off most dairy, and giving her apple juice. It will work for a...
Hi there, my daughter who turns 4 this summer has been potty trained for over a year. She has always been the type to wet a little and not really care about being we...