My 20 month old daughter is a picky eater but she loves her milk, or maybe she just loves her bottle. I started to wean my older daughter at 18 months and I had plann...
Have been casually offering sippy cup for last month or two and she has NO interest. Sometimes will carry it around as a toy, but won't drink from it. Rarely will t...
I see that someone else with the same name just posted a similar question. I read those responses but they are not quite hitting the target with my issue. Here's mi...
My son has recently switched from formula to whole milk which he doesn’t seem to have a problem with. The problem is that he refuses to drink it cold, it has to be...
Hi,this is my first request... so let me see wher do i start my husband and i are parents to a beautifal baby girl she is 6.5 months old and she is wonderful, My moth...
My 13 month old son is not interested in drinking from anything but a bottle. We have invested in a number of different sippy cups and he will not drink from any of ...
Hi everyone! My son is 12 months old, and he refuses to use a sippy cup - he's almost completely weaned off of the bottle (he still takes 1 just before bed and if he...
My daughter is 1 year old, I constantly offer her a sippy cup and the only thing she does is chew on the nozzle.She will let me pour water into her mouth out of a cup...
I have a 16 month old son who will drink everything but milk from a cup. I have been trying for months to wean him from the bottle but it is the only way I can get hi...
My son just turned 1 yr old October 8th and I have been trying to get him to use his sippy cup for about 3 months. He will take it once or twice and just take a coupl...