My son Zachary is 10 weeks old - he is quite healthy - almost 13lbs/24 inches at his two month check up. He has had the acne and overall dry blotchy skin - now weepy ...
We are now on formula number 4 per our pediatrician to see if allergy related - from Enfamil Newborn, to Gentleease to Soy and now on a hypoallogenic one. His face se...
Hello All,
So I realize this is a long e-mail, but I need your help in figuring what is the next step or what could possibly be going on. Any advice/thoughts are...
My 3 year old son had really bad cradle cap and it seems it has never gone away. He hates it when we brush his hair to try and get it out. Any suggestions on ways t...
Hoping someone can point me in the right direction here...
My 4-yr-old daughter still has cradle cap. Over the years, our pediatrician has taken a very mild "rub som...
My eight-month-old daughter has eczema, so she gets itchy red patches mostly on her cheeks, neck, and the creases of her elbows and knees. Her doctor prescribed a ste...
My daughter has cradle cap, and has for about 3 months-in that time I've put olive oil on her head, let it sit and then use the hospital brush to loosen the scales an...
We have been dealing with my daughter's chapped cheeks for about a month now. We have tried every loting and ointment we can think of, but nothing seems to help. Sh...
My 2 year old son has eczema- BAD! It is all over his body, even the top of his head, and he is constantly itching-to the point he is bleeding. We have been t...