Diapers: Infant, Baby Bjorn

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8 answers

Flying Alone with an Infant and a Toddler

I am getting ready to fly from New Hampshire to Oklahoma with my 6-month-old infant and my nearly-3-year-old daughter. I will be traveling alone, so does anyone have any tips or tricks to share that may make this trip go smooth? I am also not sure if I should take my sit-n-stand stroller (or if it will even be allowed on board) or if I should just use my baby Bjorn for my infant and take my single stroller for my older child? I only have a 45 min connection between flights on the way out. Comments? Suggestions? Any help would be...

Disposable Diapers

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18 answers

Moby Wrap or Baby Bjorn

I did not use a carrier with my first baby, but with a 2-yr old and newborn, I would really like to be able to use a carrier. I have heard good things about the Moby Wrap and Baby Bjorn, but would like your opinions!