My 10 week old granddaughter is an extremely restless and fussy baby. She is constantly kicking and moving and crying or fussing. I am not exaggerating , there is har...
My son just turned 11 months old. I March I transitioned him from breastmilk to a milk based formula. At this time is started to develop a rash but I did not link i...
I have a 2 week old baby girl and all she does is cry, no matter what we do. we rock her, sing, walk, nothing seems to satisfy her. The doctor has checked her out and...
We just found out my one year old is allergic to the following: MILK, PEANUTS, eggs, wheat, brown rice, rice, chicken, beef, salmon & peas. I have NO idea what to fee...
I'm a first time mom who is breastfeeding and I'm not sure if my baby is colicky or just gassy at night. Every afternoon he has trouble going back to sleep after fee...
My little girl is now 3.5 weeks old and over the past week she has started having really bad gas fits in the evening. They get so bad that she will come off the brea...
My beautiful baby boy has colic and I seem to be friends with women who's babies don't cry (yeah right). Basically I am just looking for a kindred spirit that I can c...
My daughter is 2 months old and has colic. My first daughter had it also, and we just had to live through it. I can't do this again, I am just tired of listening to h...