My son is 8 months old and weighs 22 pounds. It is time to buy a new car seat. I need suggestion on buying a convertible car seat. Currently we have the baby trend ca...
I'm looking to upgrade from my current infant car seat to a bigger one, but am not sure what to get. I have a 9 month old son who is about 27 inches long and weighs ...
Ladies, I need to buy a car seat for my daughter she just turned 14 mo and still uses her infant seat as it can be used until she hits 30 lbs and 35 inches, I also wa...
I am due w/ my 2nd child in Nov, at that time my daughter will be almost 19mos old. I am struggling w/ what type of double stroller to buy. We have a really nice tr...
We have been trying to get our breastfed ten-week-old boy to take a bottle ever since he was three weeks. Unfortunately, he will be starting daycare in two weeks and...
My daughter is 11 weeks old and has been pretty much strictly breastfed. I have in the past couple of weeks been trying to have my husband give her bottles of express...
My 4 month old son( who is already 21 pounds and 28 inches in length), is growing out of his infant car seat and now I'm in the process of finding a reasonably priced...
Hi Moms,
our 11 month old son has outgrown his infant car seat, and it is time to switch him to a new car seat. We were originally thinking about graco nautilus b...
We are thinking of going to CA over the summer, but my DH is using the excuse that he doesn't think that we could fit two Britax Boulevards on the airplane in the sam...
My 8 month old is almost to tall to ride safely in his infant carrier and I am looking to buy a new car seat for him. He is about 17 pounds and I would like to get a ...