Bringing Baby Home: Toddler, Bath Toys

37 answers

Grandparents Not Complying with Wishes

Hi, I really feel I need some advice on this and I think it would be better coming from some third parties. My husband, 8 month old son and I just attended my nephews birthday party last weekend. As soon as we got there everyone wanted to hold our son and he was soon being passed around, which is fine. However, a few minutes after the cake was served I went into the other room to check on him and my father in law was starting to feed him a piece of cake. When I told him that our son can't have cake yet he just kept on feeding him and...


Help with Eczema

My 6 month old was just diagnosed with eczema and I am trying to get his...

Car Seats

See all 48 articles
19 answers

Flying with 20 Month Old

Hi- I am flying with my 20 month old next week. Do I need to put him in a car seat on the plane? Also, any ideas to keep him busy during the flight? He doesn't watch that is not an option. He does not sit still I am nervous!! Thank you.


Car Seat ?

My son is 11 months and weighs about 22 pounds, woould it be okay to turn...