Breastfeeding: Infant, Graco Safeseat

33 answers

Infant Car Seat Vs. Convertible Car Seat

I'm a first-time Mom to be (in April) and have been trying to figure out what type of car seat to buy. I've had several people tell me their children grew out of the infant seat at 6-8 months (either for weight or for height). I'd like some opinions of whether or not an infant seat is absolutely necessary or if I could make due with the convertible seat. For instance, is it really easy to carry the infant seat around-seems like it would be heavy with the baby in it. Also, any tips on favorite brands would be appreciated. Thanks!


Baby Gear Advice

Hi! I was wondering if you could give me advice on the newest baby gear. ...

Pumped Milk

21 answers

Baby Gear Advice

Hi! I was wondering if you could give me advice on the newest baby gear. I gave most of my baby gear away 6 months ago(after my 4th child). Now surprise...I am expecting one more. CRAZY!!! I was wondering about baby slings,stollers,and car seats. I need anything that is going to make my crazy life easier. I will have 5 children under 8. I had every peg perego product but was wondering if something was better. Is the bugaboo worth getting? I currently have a combi,a single peg, a double peg and a double mcclaren. I loved...