Bowel Movements: Alimentum

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5 answers

Similac Advance Early Shield and Very Loose Explosive Bowel Movements

Hi, my 4 month old daughter has been on similac early shield since the end of november. First she was on the premixed and now(for about 2-3 weeks) has been on the powder. Ever since I switched her to early shield, she has very very loose poop, so bad that I once had to cut her onesies off to prevent all the poop from getting in her hair. I would say that at least 2 times a week, the poop is so bad that it goes up her back and stains the clothes. She takes the formula very well so i don't want to switch but these loose poops are...


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8 answers

Similac Alimentum Spit up Issue

I have tried 5 formulas now for my 2 1/2 month old son. Started with Enfamil Newborn, which made him gassy and constipated, then went to gentleease, which still made him gassy m constipated, Our Dr then switched us to Prosobee and told us he had milk intolerance and reflux. After about a three days he had a reacton to the soy and was pooping 10 times a day and was spitting up. We went back to the Dr and they put him on Nutramagen(super expensive, we tried this for a week, and it didnt help with pooping or spitting up, so we are now on...


Son Is Constipated

Hi, I was just wondering what I should do if my 6 month old is constipated....


Baby Is Constipated

My baby boy is almost 14 months, just three weeks ago he started whole milk,...


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4 answers

15 Month Old on Alimentum

My 15 month old daughter is back on 100% Alimentum after trying whole milk, soy milk, rice milk, and special toddler formula. All caused severe constipation and personality changes (except toddler formula which she simply refused). We go back to her GI in a week, so hopefully we'll get some answers. Just curious if anyone else has ever gone through this and what the outcome was. We are suspecting food allergies (can't do definitive tests until she's older) and are just not sure where to go from here. Anyone else been through this or...


Diarrhea - What to Do

Hi- My daughter is 10 months old and has diarrhea ever since we were at the...

Traces of Blood

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11 answers

Blood in Stool and High Fever

My husband and I went to the emergency room early this morning with my 5 week old. she was running a 101 fever and had blood in her stool. They did a bucnh of testes on her and everything came back normal. It has been almost 24 hours since I found the bloody stool and fever, and she is still passing mucusy stools with traces of blood and still is running a fever with out tylenol. They think the fever is due to her older brother having a fever and giving her, his viral illness. The blood is unknown. Tests are still being done on that. Has...


Little Blood in Stool

I'm currently breastfeeding and my little one(2 months old)had a diaper that...