Bottles & Sippies: Babies 'R' Us

Results 111-120 from 1,122 articles

Cleaning Straw from Sippy Cup

H.H. asks from Washington DC

My son uses the Gerber straw sippy cups and I clean them by hand. I've noticed a build up of gunk inside the hard plastic straw that sits in the cup and nothing I've...


Mildew in Sippy Cup Valves

B.A. asks from Pittsburgh

Hi, this may be a wierd question, but my daughter has been using Playtex sippy cups with the straw. The straw is much like a valve--it has an upper part which has th...


Still Looking for That Sippy That Doesn't Leak

T.H. asks from Salt Lake City

I am wondering if anyone can recommend a sippy that does not leak. I tried every brand from Kmart/Walmart/Smiths, and regardless if it had a snap-on lid/screw-on lid...


Sippy Cups/ Pull Ups

H.A. asks from Chicago

hELLO- My daughter will be almost 4 in 2 months. We still give her sippy cups / covered cups with milk / water etc.. She knows how to use a straw and plastic cups. ...


Favorite Sippy Cup and Bibs

E.E. asks from Washington DC

I'm looking to replace my stash of sippy cups and bibs as the cups are beginning to leak and the bibs are starting to smell less than superb :) Any cup that you love...


Avent Bottles and BPA

S.H. asks from Dallas

I must be living under a rock...but I just discovered that my Avent bottles are part of the BPA controversy. My mom said she heard that Babies R Us would exchange th...


Can Anyone Recommend a Good Breast Pump?

W.S. asks from Dallas

I am wondering if anyone could recommend a brand of breast pump that worked really well for them. I will be working full time, so I will need one for every day use. ...


Quest for No-leak Sippy

M.T. asks from New York

The sippy cup has become my enemy. I think that I have bought almost every sippy cup on the market and I have yet to find one that does not leak. My daughter likes ...


Breastfeeding Preemie from Bottle to Breast? How to Get Rid of Bottle?

B.H. asks from Minneapolis

I am desperate for help. My daughter was born at 34 weeks and spent 10 days in the special care nursery the fastest easiest way to get her home was to introduce the b...


What Do You Think About Negative Press over Plastic Baby Bottles and Sippy Cups?

L.W. asks from Goldsboro

I just wanted to get some other moms opinions on the articles I have read about plastic bottles and sippys. Studies have shown that bottles and sippys made out of po...